This weekend, my Papaw and Nana came in town to see me. And on Sunday night, Honey and Dandad came over to eat dinner with us. What a fun time we all had together! Here are some pictures from my weekend...
Last weekend, we went to my cousin Esten's 5th birthday party at Pump It Up. It was F-U-N!...for the grown-ups anyway. Me...I took a nap on Daddy while everyone else played. But then we ate cake (and I had my very first taste...yummy!).
A quick pose with Honey and Mommy
Naptime on Daddy
Momma and Daddy played together (as much playtime as she could get out of him, anyway).
I love my Dandad.
Honey gave me my first taste of birthday cake...I'm hooked!
I've just about mastered my "princess throne" (some call it a Bumbo, but not my mom). I can hold my head up pretty well now and I'm really liking the new perspective this chair gives me. It's nice to look at things other than the ceiling.
Ella Rose was born in January of 2008 and Isaac was born in July of 2009. They are the best little things that ever happened to us! We are loving life!